When setting out on a journey, do not seek advice from those who have never left home.

Dear Visitor, Welcome!


We are social beings. Our lives are shaped by our interactions with others; Each and every interaction is an opportunity to make positive impact! This site is a space of interactions of knowledge and skills with experience. I share articles on topics dear to me -like female leadership and (social) entrepreneurship, sustainability and spirituality; my academic research; meaningful exchanges and long-term impactful projects.

I invite you to interact with your knowledge, skills and experience!

How to navigate our way through life

  • We are Navigators.

    NAVIGATING describes the trajectories of our lives: Sailing in the ocean of life, sometimes closer to the shore, sometimes venturing to the open sea. The first kind of voyage is the most common one. It makes us feel safe. As long as we follow an assured path, we can see and predict the outcome and reduce the risk. We can also lead and follow easily as we know what we are expected to do. This kind of voyage satisfies our need for appreciation and belonging to a social group of our choice- such as family, peers, colleagues.The question to ask is: Does it satisfy our inner sense of being? Are we meant to be a copy or an original?

  • We are Creators.

    We are meant to be an original. Our human essence is creative, visionary, passionate and joyful. How does it manifest in our daily life and our encounters? If we want to reach our full potential and prosper as individuals and communities, we need to venture to the open sea; to embrace transformation. A process of transformation calls for us to let go of our fear for the unknown and the dissimilar and to trust our inner compass for orientation.

  • We are in uncharted waters

    We live in evolutionary times that confront us with challenging questions. The exponential increase in technological advances has made disruption a synonym of regularity and continuity. Many of our core beliefs in the truth of science and the importance of social, political and ideological institutions as beacons of stability and progress have been challenged, too.

  • How can we navigate in unchartered waters?

    In spite of what we have been taught to believe, the truth is that we cannot foretell the future and feel safe. Why? Because the future cannot be predicted by the analysis of the past. Our human brain has learned to observe data, utilise known data to deduce and deconstruct evidence to form an unmovable proof, that is used to reproduce the same proof in the future. The fact is that this proof is not fully valid as non-stable and non-measurable factors like emotions, desires, intentions or faith intervene and impact the proven “truth”.

  • We need to develop our inner compass

    Here is a suggestion: Have you thought what navigating in unchartered waters would look like if we began utilising and trusting our own inner knowing? if we followed life’s flow and opened up to its immense potentialities without expecting someone else to tell us who we should be? How would that influence our fulfilment in life? our purpose? our creativity? our choices? the way we shape our future? the way we lead others?

    Let’s navigate together and find out!

Blogging is an invitation to a conversation. Accept it.

Visit my blog.

Here below you will find a number of articles on diverse topics. I wrote most of them but not all of them. Some distinguished guests agreed to add their wisdom! When I started blogging in 2018, I was very “stuck” in my academic mindset. As time goes by I am getting more personal and focusing on expressing how I feel rather than describing what I think based on the literature review. I invite you, the reader, to comment and share your perspective. If you also like writing on topics such as female leadership and entrepreneurship, startups, sustainability, spirituality, consulting I would love to connect with you and host your work!

At the intersection of Future and Past.

Yesterdays, todays and tomorrows.

This is a collection of future aspirations, current works and past experiences. Experiences I lived as a participant or organiser of events; as an invited speaker or academic researcher. Empowering and joyful moments I shared with amazing human beings. Announcement of new events, creative sparks and exciting plans for the foreseeable future.

Walt Whitman, a famous American poet, used to say: “Be curious, not judgemental”. Curiosity about ideas and other people’s reality opens new doors and leads us to new paths. I invite you to be curious! If one of the posts catches your attention and you want to learn more contact me. Always happy to engage in meaningful conversations!

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